Gloucestershire Netball
ENjoy ENsure ENtrust


Everyone has a part to play in ensuring that the young people in netball are safe and getting the most they can from their involvement in the sport.

In line with England Netball policy, Gloucestershire Netball is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for adults, children and young people to participate in Netball and recognises its responsibility to promote a safe environment for any concerns to be reported without fear of reprisal. Gloucestershire Netball is committed to ensuring the maximum enjoyment of Netball to all players, coaches, volunteers and other stakeholders.

England Netball has developed a Safeguarding Young People in Netball Policy and provides a range of guidance and resources to help safeguard from any risk of harm to young people and to ensure that any vulnerable young people are provided with the best support available. Whether you are a parent/carer, a young person or a Club Safeguarding Officer you will find a section their website specific to your needs.

Important contact details

If you feel in any immediate danger, get away from the situation quickly, go to a public place to find help or call the police (999).

You can report safeguarding concerns via the England Netball website. If you need further advice, please contact England Netball on 01509 277850 or by email to

If you are a child and are concerned, upset or worried about anything, you can call ChildLine free on: 0800 1111. They are there for you to speak to in confidence, anytime, day or night.